Wingx: Improved Website Performance

Wingx is always looking for ways to improve their brand and move forward in the digital space. They contacted us to help them with their website and we ended up providing a full range of additional digital services.


Digital Agency Services

for Wingx Advance

Wingx Advance Thumbnail image

Wingx Advance

WINGX is a data visualisation company headquartered in Hamburg and Geneva.

They provide industry-leading decision-making tools for executives across the aviation supply chain.

The company uses the latest technology to create beautiful and insightful visualisations that help their clients make better decisions.

The team at WINGX is passionate about their work and are constantly innovating to create the best possible products for their clients.

Wingx Advance



Services provided

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The Project

We were referred to Wingx by one of our customers. They were looking to add new features to their website built on WIX.

While WIX may be a great platform for businesses starting out, its speed and limitations may become an issue as your requirements and traffic grow.

This is what was happening to this client. They were having problems with their website loading slowly and not being very flexible.

Their website is critical to their business and needs to be fast and flexible. We advised them to migrate their website to a much faster and flexible solution, a WordPress CMS website hosted at Pantheon.


The results could be seen immediately.

WordPress Development Icon by Agile Digital Agency

The migrated website was much faster and better-performing compared to their previous one. It allowed them to better meet the needs of their users and keep up with the demands of a growing website.

Brand Identity Icon by Agile Digital Agency

Since then, we have been working with WINGX to provide any digital services their business needs, as well as offering technical and creative consultation.

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